Fr Peter Helman


Where have you seen the love and grace of God at work in your life? Where have you seen that same grace and love working in the lives of those you know? Already the question presupposes that if we look for the evidence of grace we will find it. 

The song of the psalmist this morning says, “Alleluia! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endures forever” (Ps. 106:1). The psalmist acclaims with joy the marvelous love of God that cannot be constrained or undone or ever diminished by any circumstance of life, even as he goes on the decry the sins of Israel. 

The work of God is always love freely and mercifully and abundantly bestowed. So, we ask again, where can we go from God’s love? It is the very air we breath. The love of God is our home country, our shelter, our refuge. God, who is love, is our light and our salvation.  Our invitation is to look for the love of God, and God’s promise is that we will find it when we look, for it is there even it appears hidden or obscure. Even in the darkness, the light of God’s love and mercy towards us is the lamp that will not go out.

“The mercy of God endures forever.” What can it mean that God’s mercy and love endures? What can stand against a love that conquers death? Darkness and light are both alike to God, the night is as bright as the day, so even in our darkest hour of fear and pain and doubt even there God’s hand will hold us fast. God’s love and mercy endures because God endures with us every circumstance without fail. When our strength gives out, God endures the weight we struggle to bare and upholds us. When we stumble, God endures the rocky path and upholds us and sets our feet on level ground. When we are all alone and afraid, God is our companion and kindles a fire in the night and keeps watch while we rest. God endures all things for our sake, even our sins, so that we might come at last to know and love him.

Where have we seen the work of God’s love and mercy in our lives and in the lives of others? God is at work always and everywhere.

Sincerely yours,