Fr Peter Helman

O heavenly Father, in whom we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray thee so to guide and govern us by thy Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget thee, but may remember that we are ever walking in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Collect for Guidance, BCP pg. 57)


Dear beloved,

How do you begin each day? If you find yourself reading this Daily Bread entry at first light, I suppose the question answers itself, in part – that either by choice and habit you’re a morning person, or by schedule and circumstance must be, and in either case looking for God’s presence from the outset.

And that is truly the best possible way to begin our days, in one way or another by placing ourselves in the presence of God, which is to say, as the Collect for Guidance above does, to give thanks that “we are ever walking in [God’s] sight.”

The question might arise, “How do I place myself in God’s presence and dispose my heart to God’s embrace?”

The answer is less complicated than we might think. First, we remember, and then we give thanks.

We recollect what is true. “I am in the presence of God.” “Nothing will separate me from God’s love.” “Where can I go from your presence, God?” And in those moments when we do not feel or see God, when God seems very, very far away, we say, “Be with me, God. Be with me, God.” The desire to pray is prayer. “Okay, God, here I am. Give me eyes to see you.”

Then we give thanks. Gratitude is the soul and substance of our lives and curiously one of the more difficult virtues to foster. But life is more than a series of problems and shortcomings to solve. Consider, beloved, how all good things come from above. Grace is present amid whatever negatives and challenges we experience. And if, as is often true, the heart is less grateful than dour, we look even more determinedly for light shining. “God, help me be aware of the things I am grateful for.”

There is a thread that runs through each moment of the day. God is with us, and God’s love and mercy and friendship never fail. We place ourselves in God’s presence – dispose our hearts to

God’s love – and move past the idea that God is a long way off, so that we must shout to be heard. God is near, and God has decided to be an intimate friend and welcome us into God’s family.

This morning, or whenever it might be that you read this post, remember that you are in God’s presence and that God delights in you. And offer thanks for the blessings of this life.


 Peace to you~

Fr. Peter



Praise and thanksgiving for protection during the past night, I offer you.

Praise and thanksgiving for all your mercies and blessings, I offer you.

My daily work, I offer you.

All my thoughts, I offer you.

All my words, I offer you.

All my deeds, I offer you.

My joys and consolations, I offer you.

My sorrows and my troubles, I offer you.

My difficulties, my doubts, and anxieties, I offer you.