Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today is the feast of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313-386 AD), bishop, catechist, and Doctor of the Church. His episcopacy fell within the the period of Christological development in which the Church formulated a response to Arianism - the heresy that said Jesus was not equal to God in divinity. In this century, the Church employed the formula 'of one substance' (in the Greek, homoousios) to describe the relationship between persons of the Trinity.

Cyril is especially remembered for a series of 23 lectures given for catechumens preparing for baptism during the Lenten season. He gave these talks in the Martyrion, the basilica erected by Constantine at the site of Jesus' death and resurrection in Jerusalem. Today these 'lectures' remain excellent models for catechesis: they are warm, pastoral, direct, instructive, bracing, and authoritative instructions on faith and practice.

I will simply provide some quotations from these lectures, which I hope will be an encouragement to us in our Lenten journeys.

Yours in Christ,

On crossing yourself:

“Let us not then be ashamed to confess the Crucified. Be the Cross our seal made with boldness by our fingers on our brow, and on everything; over the bread we eat, and the cups we drink; in our comings in, and goings out; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we rise up; when we are in the way, and when we are still. Great is that preservative; it is without price, for the sake of the poor; without toil, for the sick; since also its grace is from God. It is the Sign of the faithful, and the dread of devils: for He ‘triumphed over them in it, having made a show of them openly’ [Colossians 2:15]; for when they see the Cross they are reminded of the Crucified; they are afraid of Him, who bruised the heads of the dragon. Despise not the Seal, because of the freeness of the gift; but for this the rather honour your Benefactor.”

On forgiveness:

God is loving to man, and loving in no small measure. For say not, I have committed fornication and adultery: I have done dreadful things, and not once only, but often: will He forgive? Will He grant pardon? Hear what the Psalmist says: How great is the multitude of Your goodness, O Lord!

Your accumulated offenses surpass not the multitude of God’s mercies: your wounds surpass not the great Physician’s skill. Only give yourself up in faith: tell the Physician your ailment: say thou also, like David: I said, I will confess me my sin unto the Lord: and the same shall be done in your case, which he says immediately: And you forgave the wickedness of my heart.

On baptism (link to video)