Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today's readings include Psalm 38, a particularly poignant expression of repentance. This text provides marvelous correspondences between the psalmist's experience with Christ's own sufferings, and reminds us that He suffered humiliation, groaning, and wounds so that we can be healed.

Read Psalm 38 here.

This week, I have been studying music by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, and this psalm puts me in mind of the Canon of Saint Andrew, which Pärt used in one of his longest a cappella works, the Kanon Pokajanen, or 'Canon of Repentance' -- as the hymn is sometimes called. The Canon is sung at the beginning of Lent in the Orthodox tradition, and it is one of the classic texts pertaining to repentance, very much in the biblical style of Psalm 38.

The Canon is long and rich -- probably much too rich for me to take more than a small section at a time. I would like to reproduce only the prayer that is sung after the Canon, which forms the final movement of Pärt's Kanon Pokajanen, which you can hear in the linked video. It is a beautiful summary of the Canon, and like Psalm 38, serves as a model for us to learn how to pray in repentance -- a repentance held and comprehended by the suffering of Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Prayer after the Canon

O Master Christ God, Who hast healed my passions through Thy Passion, and hast cured my wounds through Thy wounds, grant me, who have sinned greatly against Thee, tears of compunction. Transform my body with the fragrance of Thy life-giving Body, and sweeten my soul with Thy precious Blood from the bitterness with which the foe has fed me. Lift up my down-cast mind to Thee, and take it out of the pit of perdition, for I have no repentance, I have no compunction, I have no consoling tears, which uplift children to their heritage. My mind has been darkened through earthly passions, I cannot look up to Thee in pain. I cannot warm myself with tears of love for Thee. But, O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, Treasury of good things, give me thorough repentance and a diligent heart to seek Thee; grant me Thy grace, and renew in me the likeness of Thine image. I have forsaken Thee – do then not forsake me! Come out to seek me; lead me up to Thy pasturage and number me among the lambs of Thy chosen flock. Nourish me with them on the grass of Thy Holy Mysteries, through the intercessions of Thy most pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen.