Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today is the remembrance of Saint Columba of Iona.

Saint Columba is largely remembered for his work in founding a monastery on the Isle of Iona, which lasted from its founding in the 560’s to its eventual destruction in 825 by the Vikings — although the site shows evidence of further use by monastic groups until the Scottish Reformation (16th century) — and for his missionary work.

However, the tradition gives us more details about Columba’s reason for leaving Ireland. It appears that Columba was involved in copying a psalter in the scriptorium under Saint Finnian of Movilla Abbey. Disagreement ensued as to whether Columba could keep the psalter, and tensions eventually fanned into full flames at the Battle of Cúl Dreimhne, in which a number of people — though the number is unclear — lost their lives.

According to this tradition, Columba was exiled from Ireland for his part in the conflict. As the story goes, he sailed north until he found a place from which he could no longer see his homeland, and here he built his monastery.

This story reveals a complex inner dimension to Saint Columba’s later life and work, which is captured and explored in this icon from All Celtic Saints Orthodox Monastery on the Isle of Mull, and which I am finding thought-provoking.

Yours in Christ,