Samantha Christopher

This little Babe so few days old is come to rifle Satan’s fold;
All hell doth at his presence quake though he himself for cold do shake;
For in this weak unarmèd wise the gates of hell he will surprise.
--Robert Southwell (c. 1561 - 95)
Dear Friends in Christ:

Today we commemorate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, a somber pause in the midst of our Christmastide celebrations. In this year soaked with fear and death, it can be easy for us to avoid this reading, to turn aside and let this solemnity pass us by. After all, why would we want to read a bloody story of some far-off king from long ago who ruled in fear and selfishness?

I think this story, this solemnity, is more prescient to us than ever. We are surrounded by needless suffering and death inflicted on innocents by the Herods of our day. From drug overdoses caused by financial incentives to over-prescribe highly addictive painkillers to the looming eviction crisis as people are forced to choose between paying their rent and putting food on the table.

But beloved, even as we pause to take stock at the carnage of the past year, the cries of the Christ child, just four days old, remind us that death and violence are not permanent. This small child, fully God and fully baby, will beat down Satan under his feet, harrow hell, and ransom our souls through his sacrifice on the cross.

Let us, therefore, look with wonder at the Holy Child, while still remembering the needs and concerns of our siblings here on Earth.

Your Sibling in Christ,
Sam Christopher