Richard Kuns

Shepherd of Israel, open your ear;
Lead Joseph like a flock of sheep.
Holy One, enthroned by cherubim,
Appear and shine brightly…Living God, cause 
Us to return; Light up your face
And we will be saved…
(Psalm 80:2, 4 Pamela Greenberg, The Complete Psalms: The Book of Prayer Songs)

Today we read the writings of three ancient poets. (Psalms 80, 77, 79) They were likely living in exile and had witnessed the desecration, razing and burning of the Temple and Jerusalem.  Surely the equivalent of a “9/11.”

In times of affliction, I have sought your presence.
My hand reaches forth during the night without resting.  
My soul refuses comfort.
I remember how it used to be, and I moan.
I try to speak but my soul gets tangled in knots – Selah
(Psalm 77:3-4, Pamela Greenberg)

The Psalms appointed for today’s reading are sobering but have two themes of hope: Seeing the light of God’s presence (80:4, 8, 20) and God as Shepherd/Protector/Companion. (77:21; 79:13; 80:2) 

Jesus said He is the world’s light that will not be extinguished by human force or spiritual amnesia. (John 8:19ff; 1:5). Jesus taught that we, His people, are now that light and it is not to be hidden, but rather a light in the darkest night. “…You’re here to be light, bringing out the God colors in the world.  God is not a secret to be kept…” (Matthew 5:14ff, The Message). Be a light!  Let it shine!

Jesus assured us that he is the Good Shepherd/Protector and the Host to the table of plenty! (Psalm 23; John 10:1-20). The key to the teaching is that we must hear the Shepherd’s voice. We live in a “Culture of Noise” and hearing The Voice, or any voice other than our own, requires an attentive spirit.  …Be calm and know that I am your Sustainer… (Psalm 46:11, Pamela Greenberg)

The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you 
and give you peace.
(Numbers 6:4-26, ESV)

Richard R. Kuns