Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear friend,

This month our focus is on the calling to “Go” - all the different ways our faith compels us to go forth and spread the Gospel, go across borders and expectations, to be sent as an offering in the world. I wonder where God has called you to go in the past, where God has shown you a lane for growth and love and encounter, and where that route has brought you.

I wonder if you hear that still small voice that you are being called in a new way, toward a new expression of the love of God in Christ in your realms of influence and relationship. Jesus’ apostles were always going, always on a walk to the next place where they would learn from Jesus, and after his death, resurrection and ascension, on the way to share his message by the strength of the Holy Spirit among them. Being on the move, in service, living with joy and gratitude invites others in. Even if you aren’t able to go physically as far as you used to, or you are being called in new ways, God can be glorified within our circumstances. I have been inspired by ministries done at home, writing letters of condolence, making phone calls, praying in so many ways.

In this season, as we near Advent and a new season in the Church, listen for the ways in which God might be inviting you to "go" in new ways.

In Christ,
Mtr Taylor

If you are interested in hearing more about the "go" part of the Way of Love Rule of Life, check out one of these videos or Podcasts for your reflection!