Mtr Taylor Devine

Dear Friend,

Every Holy Week I am surprised and a little delighted at the seeming compression of time that we experience. I think that Choir members must experience this even more - practicing music for weeks ahead of time, getting sneak-peeks at the Church season to come. During the somber services that mark the Triduum there are Easter Lillies tucked out of sight, fair linens and vestments pressed and ready for the next liturgical season, there are people looking around for where they put their bells for the Easter Acclamation and maybe in our homes there is some pre-setting of Easter tables. In this moment we find ourselves in the already-but-not-yet-ness of our faith. Sin and death? Already vanquished. Hell? Already harrowed. And yet. We know the not-yet-ness all too well. The in between time, the liminal space, we know deep in our bones, where sorrow and grief and hints of joy often mingle. In the midst of the in-between time today we're invited to bear witness to the sacrifice of Jesus, to hone in on this time, the time when he was crucified, the time when the already-but-not-yet-ness became real to the Disciples. In the liminal space of these holy days Good Friday makes way for the reality of the pain that Jesus was willing to enter into, the real nails, the real cross, the real taking on of sin and death. In the liminal space of this weekend may there be space for it all - for real grief, for real joy, for real gratitude.

In Christ,
Mtr. Taylor

There are several opportunities to pray in community today:
8:30am Morning Prayer (LiveStreamed on Youtube on our Saint Philip's Channel and on the Saint Philip's website)
12:00pm Liturgy of the Day (LiveStream from the Chapel in the same places as those linked above)
6:00pm Stations of the Cross (YouTube) (Stations of the Cross booklet)