Mtr Kelli Joyce

"To whom then will you compare me,
or who is my equal? says the Holy One."

"What is this? A new teaching—with authority!"

Dear Friends in Christ,

I have always had issues with authority. This may seem strange, since I'm someone who chose to become an Episcopalian as an adult, and who chose to take vows of obedience to a bishop. But as it so happens, it's true - even as a child, I was very suspicious of the authority that others claimed to have over me, whether by virtue of their age, or their gender, or their role in the church. And I don't say all of this as a set-up to explain how I came to love authority, because I still have issues. I'm not fond of being told what to do. I like to think of myself as someone independent, who thinks and acts for herself. This is all still true of me.

The only exception is Jesus. In fact, my willingness to recognize the authority of Jesus is part of what keeps giving me such trouble with other human authority. Jesus of Nazareth, the Word made flesh, has both power and the legitimate right to use it - Jesus is the Holy One who has no equal, and his words and actions are those of one who has authority.

It's still difficult for me to submit my will to his. It's still difficult for me to say "not my will, but thine be done." But with Jesus, at least I know that my vulnerability and my obedience are well-placed. With Jesus, unlike with other humans, I know that I am not being exploited - I am being guided in paths of righteousness. I know that I am not being led toward destruction, but toward life, and life abundant.

Aversion to claims of absolute authority is normal. But even if we are rightly skeptical of the claims to power made by every other human, Jesus is the one who truly has the right to that authority. He created us, and created everything that is, and all things exist in and through and for him. His authority is absolute, and his authority, ultimately, is safe. Others may reject us if we follow him, but he will never lead us to anything other than eternal life. When we pledge our loyalty to him, and when we submit our wills to his, we can no longer submit to or give full loyalty to any other authority. Christ alone can reign supreme in our hearts.

And he loves us. Thanks be to God.

In peace,
Mtr Kelli