Mtr Kelli Joyce

Dear Friends in Christ,

How many times do you think Lydia had gone down to the river to pray? How many Sabbath days had she spent there, seeking the word and the presence of the living God? It seems to me that she probably went to the river that morning expecting the same thing she'd always found there - community, and shared faith, and the worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. She probably did not go to the river expecting Paul and his companions.

I love what the texts says happened next - "The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly." God sought Lydia. God didn't sit back and think, "Hmm, I sure hope Lydia is paying attention. I'd really like it if she believed the good news, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see." No, God acted in Lydia's heart.

And in response to God's action, Lydia acted. She was baptized, and she didn't stop there. She offered up her material belongings to care for strangers. She provided for the work of the Gospel to continue.

God acts when we don't expect or deserve it, and in gratitude, we respond with generosity. Thanks be to God.

In peace,
Mtr Kelli