Jeanette Renouf

Dear friend,

It is Epiphany Sunday 1980, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Laguna Beach, California. What am I doing here, this woman raised in a conservative, Northern Ireland Presbyterian tradition? My family would be horrified at all the candles, bells, smells, clergy dress, and when they found out they were upset. But I am feeling a deep inner peace and joy, as if I have found my home. I feel I belong in this place. Epiphany now has a very special meaning for me for I feel I became an Episcopalian that day.

When I read the three lessons for today I hear the joy in each one and again recall that long ago Sunday. However, each lesson makes clear that the road is not necessarily easy. Isaiah speaks of the darkness of the earth and the dark night of nations, Paul is writing from prison and the Magi have their interaction with Herod on their way to find the Christ Child. Yet the Grace and love of God is present through all the stories.

The Magi’s perseverance in following the star can be a model for us to not give up no matter how arduous the journey nor how many wrong turns. There is joy in the seeking, in the journey. Paul, regardless of his current imprisoned state, takes joy in what has been revealed to him of Christ and the faithfulness of the Ephesian community. I too feel the support of my Christian community and it sustains me as well. Paul, like the Magi, continues to seek the Christ. Together we, like Isaiah, can declare in joy, “Arise, the light has come and the glory of the Lord shines over us.”

Jeanette Renouf