Mtr Mary Trainor

Little things mean a lot…*

Dear friend,

Since childhood I have heard the saying, “Good things come in small packages.” I suppose if the little package is from Tiffany’s, this might prove true. On the other hand, a ribbon-wrapped Mercedes S-class sedan sitting in my driveway on Christmas morning sounds pretty enticing as well. So, I must confess that the worth of little things and small packages has me a bit puzzled.

Then, as I was preparing for today’s Daily Bread, words from a song ran across my mind: Little Things Mean a Lot, made popular by Kitty Kallen in 1954. Some of you may recall its popularity. It was Number 1 on the U.S. Billboard ratings for nine weeks, took U.S. Number 1 song of the year in 1954, reached Number 1 on the UK singles chart, and sold more than two million copies. Apparently, Little Things did mean a lot.

Give me your hand when I've lost the way...

The Daily Office Gospel for today talks about little things. In the familiar passage from Matthew Jesus compares a mustard seed and yeast to the kingdom of heaven. If you recall, the tiny mustard seed becomes a tree in which birds make their nests; and yeast, mixed with flour, expands to make bread for life.

Mustard seed. Yeast. Small, seemingly inconsequential things that pack an enormous potential. It is to these that Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven.

Give me your shoulder to cry on...

Over the past couple of years, we have witnessed a lot of hateful acts in the world, including in our own nation. Disrespect and disregard for others. Anonymous, impersonal rage. All manner of abuse. Actions that in no way reflect the kingdom of heaven.

Whether the day is bright or gray,
give me your heart to rely on...

Just when I begin to think that little acts of kindness are things of the past, I hear of an event that reminds me that heavenly potential may still be evidenced here on earth.

Earlier this month, two Nebraska teens were among those running a 3.1-mile race. But with less than 400 meters to go, one of them cramped up and collapsed. He managed to rally, but at 100 meters out he collapsed again. 

A runner coming up from behind stopped and assisted the downed young man to his feet, and the two finished the race--together. (See photos below.)

Now and forever, little things mean a lot.

Mtr Mary

*Little Things Mean a Lot. Words by Carl Stutz and Edith Lindeman.