Mtr Mary Trainor

Be wise as serpents, innocent as doves…

Dear friend,

Wise yet innocent.

Hmm. It’s a tough directive from Jesus in today’s Office Gospel from Matthew. Almost as tough as sending out his disciples “like sheep into the midst of wolves” in the first place.

Innocent as doves…

When David Hogg got ready for school on February 14, 2018, he—and classmates like him—could not have imagined the events that were about to unfold. By the time that Valentine’s Day ended, 17 people were dead and another 17 injured  in a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

This past week the shooter pleaded guilty to all counts and now awaits a sentencing hearing that could assign him life in prison, or his execution.

On a national news program this week. Hogg was asked what he hoped the verdict would be: Life or death? The young man, who came out of the shooting tragedy an activist for change, declined to answer the question.

Wise as a serpent…

What Hogg said in response to the reporter’s question was a much wiser response than to support either position. He addresse

d the larger issue—how do we stop the madness of large-scale shootings in the first place? It seems an innocent question on its face, but what he went on to say added wisdom to the mix. In words shaped to offer a role to everyone, Hogg said that if someone doesn’t want more gun laws, they could work toward other measures. Mental health assistance was one of the thoughts voiced.

Sheep in the midst of wolves…

I can trip over either-or questions. I can worry about being the victim of wolves so much that I neglect to live the fullest sheep life given.

But it’s not either-or. The best answers are broad enough, deep enough to include the complexities resident in most dilemmas. Jesus’ words direct us to live, incorporating both the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of doves.

Mtr Mary

Matthew 10:16-22