Mtr Mary Trainor

If they persecuted me, they will persecute you…

Dear friend,

It was February 12, 2005. I was living in Austin, Texas, with only three months left of seminary coursework.

I expected a normal day, attending classes, one of which was homiletics (preaching) where I was on tap to offer a five-minute homily. I had something prepared, but wasn’t happy with it. That was about to change.

The morning news brought the story of Sister Dorothy Stang, murdered in a Brazilian forest while reading scripture to her killers. She was active on behalf of the poor and the environment and had been threatened before by loggers and landowners. Her ministry in Christ’s brought her to a violent end.


If they persecuted me, they will persecute you…

Those who give their life for what they believe are strong reminders of Jesus’ words this day in the Gospel of John about our own persecutions, our own crosses.

The halls of Christendom are lined with the names of martyrs. On October 16 the church remembers three of them, heroes of the faith: Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer. Martyrs, each and all.

Latimer and Ridley were bishops; Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury and chief architect of The Book of Common Prayer. All were executed during the reign of Queen Mary, who wielded  retribution in the name of Rome.


Many say—I’ve said it myself—the threat of persecution for being Christian is not such a real risk in these times. To my knowledge, I have never been harmed in any way for being Christian. Maybe you have escaped that fate, too.

Reliable statistics tell a different story. Currently, thirteen people everyday around the world lose their lives for being Christian. Several thousand every year. Plus thousands more imprisoned for their faith.

Even though it is unlikely that any of us will be called upon to lay down our lives for Christ,  it remains a possibility.

My guess is that when Dorothy Stang arose that morning in early February sixteen years ago, her own death was not on her mind. Yet she proved ready for the test of her commitment, leaving this world with the Word of God on her lips.

If they persecuted me, they will persecute you…

I was so moved by the death of Dorothy Stang, I discarded my prepared homily and walked into the classroom, unsure of what I would do or say. But when it came my turn, I stood and delivered a five-minute short sermon without notes on the importance of staying ready, awake, alert for the challenge at any hour of the day.

If they persecuted me, they will persecute you…

Mtr Mary