From the Rector

Dear Friends in Christ,

Of course many have been saddened by the news of Fr Peter’s departure. As I said in a meeting yesterday, I’m still somewhere in the seven stages of grief—maybe all at once!

Even as we give time to say goodbye with all the best hopes for Peter, we’ve also some work to do in planning for a transition.

With the current financial uncertainties, we’re not in a position to immediately call a priest to step right into Fr Peter’s role. My hope is that we will have more clarity with regard to the financial picture in the year ahead and be able to then make plans for calling someone.

Given that reality, there is reshuffling to be done in the weeks ahead.

I am blessed to have two faithful, talented colleagues in Mother Mary and Mother Taylor. Both of them will take on some additional responsibilities and I’ll need to expand the range of things I tend to as well.

We will not be able to do everything that Peter does now. However, given the depth of lay leadership here, our deacons, and our affiliate clergy I feel confident we can find ways to share the work and plan for the longer term.

Mother Mary will be the new point person for pastoral issues and will assume the title Associate Rector. If you have a pastoral need or concern, including arrangements regarding planning funerals, she will be the primary point of contact for that and continue to be a point person for issues regarding office administration. Pastoral care and visits will be shared by lay visitors, priests, and deacons as they have been. Mary will also assume new responsibilities with regard to preaching, teaching, and officiating at liturgies. Her breadth of experience makes her ideally suited to step into this work.

Mother Taylor will take on key aspects of Fr Peter’s work as well including wedding arrangements, worship coordination, baptism and confirmation preparation. As our other Associate Rector, she will continue to exercise broad oversight over intergenerational ministries working in collaboration with the CYFM Commission and others. Mother Taylor will be the primary contact person for worship related ministries such as lectors, acolytes, and the Altar Guild.

It is inevitable, in a transition like this, that some balls will be dropped. It is also inevitable that we won’t be able to do that thing that Fr Peter did so well that you’ll miss—whatever that thing is for you. I hope charity and patience will prevail as we navigate some challenging months ahead—the busiest of the year—and begin planning for our next steps beyond those months.

Change is never easy. Change coupled with some natural grief even less so. But, as in all things, faith, hope, and joy will carry us through and guide us in our next right steps with Christ.

Yours in Christ,

—Fr Robert