Meet God at the Movies

Meet God at the Movies will discuss the documentary Dolores when the group gathers at 6:30pm on Monday, March 18.

The movie is based on the life of Dolores Huerta, a key labor leader.

Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta (born April 10, 1930) was an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, was a co-founder of the United Farmworkers Association—which later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers (UFW).

Huerta helped organize the Delano grape strike in 1965 in California and was the lead negotiator in the workers' contract that was created after the strike.

Saint Philip’s movie discussion group gathers every month via Zoom to explore a film and plumb it for theological content in the areas of creation (what is the world of the story like); what is broken/where is sin; is there a moment of turnaround, repentance; and where is redemption or the reign of God visible.

All are welcome to join the discussions—only once, sporadically, or on a regular basis—but registration is required. You can register by emailing Mtr Mary at

Dolores can be watched on Amazon Prime and PBS.