Meet God at the Movies

Meet God at the Movies will discuss The Sand Pebbles when the group gathers at 6:30pm on Monday, October 16.

The movie is set in 1926 China, during the country’s civil war. An American crew of a gunboat patrolling the Yangtze comes into cross-culture conflict with locals on- and off-board, and a naval engineer defies local authoriies to rescue a group of missionaries.

The film features Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Richard Crenna, and Candice Bergen. Robert Anderson adapted the screenplay from the 1962 novel of the same name by Richard McKenna.

The Sand Pebbles was a critical and commercial success at its general release. It became the fourth highest-grossing film of 1966 and was nominated for eight Academy Awards and eight Golden Globe Awards, with Attenborough winning the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor.

The Saint Philip’s movie discussion group gathers every month via Zoom to explore a film and plumb it for theological content in the areas of creation (what is the world of the story like); what is broken/where is sin; is there a moment of turnaround, repentance; and where is redemption or the reign of God visible.

All are welcome to join the discussions, but registration is required. You can register by emailing Mtr Mary at

The Sand Pebbles can be watched on Prime Video, Google Play, iTunes, and Vudu.