Bon Voyage


Saint Philip’s choirs are busy preparing for their residency at Lincoln Cathedral July 8-14, and you will have two opportunities to hear them before they leave on Friday, July 5.

The Saint Nicholas youth choir and adult Schola Cantorum will sing the morning Eucharist service at 10:00am this Sunday, June 30.* Featured music will include movements from the Saint Philip’s Missa Brevis by Ēriks Ešenvalds (which will be sung at Lincoln Cathedral on Sunday, July 14).

The choirs will also present a special “Bon Voyage” Choral Evensong at 5:30pm on Wednesday, July 3.

Just because the choirs are overseas doesn’t mean you won’t be able to hear them. Each day’s service can be viewed on the cathedral’s YouTube channel beginning Monday, July 8.

Lincoln Cathedral YouTube Channel

*The volunteer choir will take a break on Sunday, June 30, and resume on Sunday, July 7.