Sensory exploration

Children are very welcome at each of the Holy Week services, but this year Saint Philip’s is excited to offer younger children their own introduction to the prayers and practices of Holy Week. A set of “centers” on Holy Wednesday will be offered to children ages 3-8—as well as their grown ups.

What to expect
Music Educator, Chelsea Shepherd, and Mtr Taylor will explore Palm Sunday, Jesus’ teachings in the temple, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. They will use music, activities at different stations, and prayers.

The children will be met where they are developmentally, and be invited to explore the senses of Holy Week with hands-on activities and storytelling. Our core story will be shared with gentleness and care in ways children and engage and remember.

Where to gather
Come to the La Paz meeting room from 4:30-6:00pm on Wednesday, March 27.

Please RSVP to Mtr Taylor by Wednesday, March 20. Her email address is

You are welcome to invite friends! Nursery will be provided for siblings younger than 3.