Dispatch from Level II

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).

“The angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” —Luke 1:30

Most mornings in Atrium II, we gather at the prayer table, listen to scripture, talk through a presentation, choose a work, and finish with prayer. But sometimes we celebrate the change of seasons or a great event by planning a liturgy together; everyone has a part.

This last Sunday, we had an Epiphany celebration. The children were asked to choose one prophecy that we had looked at in Advent and ask someone to read it. This year, three people wanted to read one of the prophecies!

We gathered around the art tables that were pushed together with a white cloth over them. The Advent wreath was placed in the middle. The older ones took turns reading from their Bibles—a few verses from the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth of Jesus, and the Visit of the Magi.


After each passage was read, the younger ones placed the corresponding house and figures on the table, slowly forming a circle. One of the four candles in the wreath was lit after each scene was complete.

When all the candles were lit, including the one in the middle, we turned off the lights and talked about the gifts the Magi brought to Jesus. We ended with our prayers, as gifts to Jesus. The prayers were often said silently as each child passed a small cross to the next person. It was truly a holy moment.