Dispatch from Level II

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 

Soft morning light sneaks over the mountains before sunrise and brings a gentle peace before the busyness of day takes hold. It is in these few minutes that I go outside and breathe deeply, praising God and thanking him for a new day.  

Gathering time on Sunday mornings in room 8 with 1-3 graders is also a time of peacefulness and purpose, as we open our minds and hearts to listen to scripture and ponder the work before us.

Last Sunday, we looked at the different parts of the Holy Bible that is always on the prayer table. We talked about how it is the living word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit and shared from generation to generation long before it was written down. It is not a history book but a love letter between God and his people.


This coming Sunday we will open a wooden box that contains small wooden representations of each book in the Bible—red for the Old Testament and green for the New Testament. The children will discover that the Bible is not one book but a library of books! They will remove the wooden books from the box and then choose one to find in their personal Bibles. Sometimes, it becomes quite a search.

Every week the Holy Spirit brings a new understanding of God’s grace and of Jesus’ love in our lives—like a light on our path. Praise God, it is the children that lead us into a new understanding of God and his kingdom. Amen!