Dispatch from Level II

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” —Matthew 18:20

“Thankful” is how I felt as I gazed at the children lined up outside the door to Atrium II this past Sunday—the first day of the program year.

Eleven very excited children entered the atrium, and Dcn Ruthie led them through breathing exercises to calm their bodies and ready their hearts and minds to listen for the quiet voice of God.


Some of the children participated in Atrium 1, and already knew how to walk and talk quietly. Others were new to the classroom and were guided through the space by third graders who were familiar with what’s on the shelves.

Throughout this year, the children will continue the foundation laid in Atrium I and learn about the parables, liturgical gestures, prayer, and more. They are a beautiful, intelligent and vivacious group of seekers!