Crises help

Photo courtesy of International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC)

For over 80 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has worked with supporters and partners for lasting change around the world. Each year the organization facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives for more than 3 million people who struggle with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, Episcopal Relief & Development leverages the expertise and resources of Anglican and other partners to deliver measurable and sustainable change in three signature program areas: Women, Children and Climate.

[Episcopal Relief & Development Web Statement]
September 13, 2023

On September 8, a devastating 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco, killing almost 3,000 people with the number of deceased persons still growing. Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC) to provide relief to over 10,000 survivors of the disaster who have left the area of impact for safer grounds.

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting IBC, an organization with over 20 years of experience responding to crises, in providing food, hygiene products, tents, medical supplies, flashlights and items for mothers and babies in Chichaoua, Morocco. The aid is reaching extremely rural and hard-to-reach villages (also known as “last mile” communities) for whom a lack of resources has contributed to weak infrastructure that is especially vulnerable to earthquakes.

“Episcopal Relief & Development began partnering with IBC after the Türkiye-Syria earthquake in February,” said Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Disaster Resilience, Episcopal Relief & Development. “This partnership has allowed us to serve new populations and expand our reach to people who are most in need.”

The earthquake was the strongest to hit the area in a century, and the full scale of its impact is still unfolding. Please pray for the people impacted by the earthquake in Morocco and consider making a donation to the International Disaster Response Fund to support Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners as they respond to this and other events including the recent catastrophic flooding in Libya.

Your gift today helps us provide critical relief to those impacted by the devastating earthquake in Morocco. We’re working with our partner International Blue Crescent to respond immediately with core relief items like food, water and shelter; establishing community safety points; and aiding the emergency response of local authorities and national services. Our team has also contacted partners to offer assistance after the devastating dam collapse in Libya.

[Episcopal Relief & Development press release]
August 31, 2023

Episcopal Relief & Development is partnering with the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi to provide cash assistance, housing and relocation support after brush fires on Maui devastated the island on August 8, 2023. 

The deadly fires that swept through Lahaina and Kula claimed over one hundred lives with hundreds still missing. The majority of homes and community gathering places have been destroyed and thousands of people have been displaced. Affected communities have lost homes, jobs, transportation, family and friends. Many of the survivors also suffered injuries while escaping.

In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development and the Diocese of Hawaiʻi, A Cup of Cold Water is expanding its efforts to support both chronically and newly unhoused people on Maui. Together, the organizations are working to provide cash assistance for necessities including food, power, hygiene supplies, medical supplies and home goods. They are also continuing to provide temporary housing and meet transportation and relocation needs for survivors.

In the immediate aftermath of the fires, through collaboration with local organizations including A Cup of Cold Water, the Diocese has fed displaced people, provided medical and pastoral care and given support as people fill out forms for assistance. A Cup of Cold Water, a ministry formed by several Episcopal churches on Maui, serves unhoused people and other people affected by poverty. The ministry regularly provides food, clothing and hygiene products throughout the island. 

Since the early phases of the disaster, Episcopal Relief & Development has provided technical support and guidance to the diocese. This includes needs assessment support and helping the diocese to set up community-engaged, asset-based short and long term recovery projects.

“Episcopal Relief & Development has been a companion to the diocese and affected communities since the beginning of this disaster,” said Tamara Plummer, Program Officer, Episcopal Relief & Development. “We will remain a resource and active participant as they transition to meeting longer term needs for housing, employment and counseling.”

During this time of crisis, please stay up to date with local advice regarding travel, volunteer opportunities and community requests. Please pray for the people impacted by the fires. Donations to the Hawaiʻi Emergency Response Fund will support Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners as they respond.