Easter giving

Easter Memorial Gift
During this Easter season you are invited to make a donation in memory of a loved one. Your contribution covers the extra costs associated with the Easter (and Christmas) liturgies, as well as the general ministry of the church. The names of those in whose memory gifts are made will be recognized as part of the Easter services. The deadline for publication is Friday, March 31, 2023.

Easter Offering
This year's Easter Offering supports two Saint Philip's programs: the UK Choral Residency and Youth Pilgrimage which will be held jointly for the first time.

The Lincoln Cathedral Choral Residency (July 8-14, 2024) allows our Saint Nicholas choristers (ages 9-17), along with trained adult choristers, to sing a series of daily services as the official visiting choir. This dynamic experience integrates our choristers' rigorous musical education with elements of spiritual formation, Anglican identity, teamwork, and service. The Residency encourages our youths to embrace a substantial liturgical vocation, while fostering deeper relationships with the Church.

Similarly, the Youth Pilgrimage (July 15-19) allows our young people to deepen their faith by journeying to important sites of spiritual renewal and Anglican history and identity. Immediately following the Residency, youths (ages 14-17) will embark on a walking pilgrimage from Norwich to the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham on the historic Walsingham Way.

This pilgrimage will be an extended and embodied prayer, a time of spiritual, corporate and individual growth by which these youths will be encouraged to more fully inhabit their faith, their world, and their own unique identities as ministers of the Gospel and disciples of the Living God. Starting in community at Lincoln Cathedral, then moving out to a walking pilgrimage to Walsingham, will be a unique opportunity for them to grow in Christian maturity.