Generosity=big impact

There are lots of people who made a variety of events possible this past week.

First Sunday Breakfast
Thank you to Vestry member and parishioner Roger Rainbolt for organizing the volunteers who greeted parishioners, assisted with food preparation, bussed tables, and generally created a festive event. 40+ people visited between 7:45am-9:00am and enjoyed a meal prepared by Chef Mario: eggs, pancakes with maple syrup, hash browns, bacon, and fresh fruit. A $25.00 gift card to Seis Kitchen in Joesler Village across the street was a fun door prize.

Thank you to volunteers John Bremond, Nani Chang, Allan Cooley, Jeremy Furrer, Betty and Leonard Guarraia, David Hass, Meredith Mullins, Jeannine Rainbolt, and Beloved intern, Hannah Hill.


If you missed this past Sunday’s breakfast, mark your calendar for Sunday, March 5, and enjoy good food and community. Please contact Roger Rainbolt at 520-638-7166 if you would like to volunteer for any of the upcoming First Sunday Breakfasts.

Thank you to the many volunteers who welcomed worshipers with smiles, offered handouts, provided directions, and even handed out cough lozenges. Eleanor signed up as an usher a few weeks ago and is a wonderful addition to her team. Thank you, ushers, for making parishioners and visitors alike feel welcomed and included in the life of this community.


Ushers left to right: Linda Dewey, Eleanor, Meredith Mullins, and Jim Prescott-Smith


First Sunday Music
Saint Philip’s has a reputation for offering excellent music. That renown reflects volunteer choristers’ dedication to excellence and many, many hours of rehearsal. The hard work was well worth the effort.

People leaving church on Sunday, February 5, shared accolades for the choir and expressed gratitude for the profound worship they experienced. One visitor was a retired opera singer who said, “The Magnificat is hard. Your choir did an outstanding job. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have been here today. Thank you!”


First Sunday Drive
Thank you to everyone who donated items to support Saint Philip’s food pantry! You were very generous and your contributions will make a real difference to the pantry’s clients.


A full larder


Mobile Food Pantry
Thank you to Saint Philip’s volunteers who woke at the crack of dawn to help Prince Elementary School’s once-monthly mobile food pantry. It operates 6:30am-9:30am on the first Friday of each month. On February 3, the mobile food pantry served 74 households, 20 of which were first-time visitors. The 74 households included 156 adults and 208 children. 

Saint Philip’s has wonderful ambassadors: Al Benneyworth, Dcn Susan Erickson, Julie McConnell, John Mielke, Katie Nash and her daughter Riley, Jane Prescott-Smith, Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss, Terriann and Brian Smith, and Margaret Voge.


If you would like to volunteer to help on Friday, March 3, please email Dcn Susan at Thank you!