Living the Eucharist

Mosaic Community Night is a midweek, intergenerational gathering for fellowship, dinner, prayer, and study at Saint Philip’s. All are welcome every Wednesday.

At the formation this Wednesday, March 8, Saint Philip’s Rector, Fr Robert, will continue to facilitate “Living the Eucharist.”

What is the significance of the different parts of the liturgy—from the gathering rite through the liturgy of the word and the sermon to the communion and the dismissal?

What is the connection between the celebration of the Eucharist and the rest of our lives?

Fr Robert will discuss each part of the eucharistic liturgy in turn. He will help deepen our understanding of it so we might live it with joy—and unlock the possibilities of change and transformation in ourselves, in the church, and in the world.

Schedule on March 8
4:30pm Hospitality team meets to make dinner
5:15pm Prayer in the Chapel of the Nativity
6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm-7:45pm Christian formation in the West Gallery

You are welcome to participate for the entire evening or just a portion. If you don’t drive at night or kids need to get to bed, feel welcome to attend for prayer and dinner. If you’re running late after work, then join the group at 6:30pm for formation. Whatever works for you is perfect.

If you have questions, please contact or