This Sunday’s question

The small group discussion topic at 10:30am this Sunday, May 28, will be “Pentecost” facilitated by Michael Anderson.


Michael and Kay Anderson on their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 20, 2023.


If you plan on attending the discussion, please watch the short video below that introduces the topic that will be discussed on Sunday morning.

The main question for discussion will be:

In the Hebrew Bible, God is often depicted as fire. Then in the New Testament, at Pentecost, “tongues of fire” appear over the heads of the apostles. What’s the significance of this fiery symbolism?

The session is scheduled to last 30 minutes so that people may attend the 11:15am worship service. However, Michael will remain in La Paz beyond 11:00am so the discussion can continue for those who wish to explore the topic further.

The group discussion is in-person only as there is a weekly Zoom Bible Study offered at 10:00am on Tuesdays.

This gathering is a discussion—not a debate. The focus is not to master any particular text but, rather, to engage it and consider how God speaks to us through the Bible narrative.

About Michael Anderson
Michael was ordained in the Diocese of Chicago and served two parishes there. He and his wife, Kay, joined Saint Philip’s after they moved to Tucson in 2015. Michael is on the Vestry, and also served this past year as co-facilitator (with Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss) for Saint Philip’s College of Clergy.