Preparation begins

Preparation for the rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Faith will begin on Epiphany (Saturday, January 6, 2024) and continue through the month of January—in anticipation of retired Bishop Kirk Smith’s visit to Saint Philip’s on Sunday, February 4, 2024.

Even if you have already been Confirmed or Received, this is a wonderful opportunity for Christian formation in community. Participants will learn more about Saint Philip’s specifically and the Episcopal Church more broadly—as well as one another.

Please pray about this opportunity, review the information contained in the link below, and reach out with any questions. 

If so moved, sign up by Sunday, December 17, so that clergy can prepare for your work together. It is sure to be a journey of faith and preparation!

If you would like to have a paper copy of the documents found online, then visit the Ministry Fair from 10:15am-11:15am in the Murphey Gallery this coming Sunday, November 19. Look for Mtr Taylor at the Adult Christian Formation table.