Upcoming celebration

Saint Philip’s looks forward to welcoming Bishop Reddall when she visits on Sunday, January 29.

At the 9:00am service, Bishop Reddall will perform the sacrament of Confirmation, formally receive parishioners into the Episcopal Church, and perform the rite of Re-affirmation. (You can read more about each ceremony below.)

It will be a joyful and extended service!






What does it mean to be confirmed?
The sacrament of Confirmation is a rite of passage. The candidates confirm their intentions to assume the privileges and responsibilities of being full members in the community of faith. Confirmed parishioners may serve on the Vestry, be elected as delegates to diocesan and national conventions, and generally participate in leadership positions within the parish.

What does it mean to be formally received into the Episcopal Church?
Like Confirmation, Reception is a public affirmation where candidates profess their faith and renew the Baptismal Covenant. Typically, candidates for reception were confirmed in another Christian denomination.

What does it mean to re-affirm one’s faith?
The rite of Re-affirmation is celebrated with a confirmed Episcopalian who wishes to publicly re-affirm their Baptismal Covenant to the bishop and community. It is comparable to a married couple publicly reaffirming their vows at significant times in their marriage.