Anti-racism training policy

By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona

At our June meeting, the Standing Committee approved an update to our diocesan anti-racism training policy, which you can read here.

The key changes include:

  • Completing the Sacred Ground curriculum will fulfill the requirement for anti-racism training, so long as participants also view the four diocesan anti-racism training videos. A link to the videos will be sent to congregations directly when the final two videos have been completed.

  • The list of lay leadership positions which are required to complete anti-racism training has been simplified to members of the Vestry, Bishop’s Committee, and Search Committee.

  • The date by which all current leaders need to complete either anti-racism training or Sacred Ground is now July 1, 2023 (changed from July 1, 2022).

Finally, a reminder that while the diocese maintains records of all clergy participants in anti-racism training, it is the local congregation that must maintain its records of lay employee and lay leader completion. Those records will be requested each year at Convention by the Bishop’s Office.

More detailed information is available here.