The Little Shop

If you’ve been on campus you may have noticed that the space which houses Saint Philip’s book store, “The Little Shop” has changed a bit. It’s received a fresh coat of paint and been spruced up. This is part of a larger plan for the short/medium-range.

With the opening of Catalina Hills Preschool and Kindergarten on the north end of campus and the resumption of more in-person and hybrid gatherings, meeting space (with internet connection) is at a premium.

Over the past few months staff and volunteers have worked to identify a creative solution that will maintain The Little Shop while making its valuable space available for meetings. Here are some next steps:

  • Refresh the space and install tv screens so that the front room can be used for hybrid meetings.

  • Re-purpose the smaller room at the back of the space to house The Little Shop and accommodate its merchandise.

  • Provide certain staff members mobile card readers to process credit card transactions when the store is closed.

One thing we hope will remain the same: the generous presence of parishioner Leigh Wood who is a steadfast volunteer at The Little Shop.

As we look to the future, we invite you to share ideas and consider volunteering in the store.