College of Clergy

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of three articles about clergy who are active at Saint Philip’s. This week, The Rev’d Dr Paula Barker Datsko introduces the College of Clergy.

There is a College of Clergy at Saint Philip’s. No, it’s not a course of study; it’s a colleague group. Saint Philip’s staff includes four priests—plus there are five deacons and a dozen affiliated clergy (priests) who volunteer their time to contribute to the ministries of our church. You’ll read more about deacons and affiliated clergy in upcoming issues of the Bell & Tower.

The College of Clergy meets monthly for fellowship and prayer, with a significant portion of the time together devoted to discussing developments in the parish or the wider church. Some years, the group has been able to have a day-long retreat in connection with a notable guest preacher who is visiting the parish—such as The Most Rev’d Frank Griswold, retired presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church or, more recently, The Rev’d Scott Gunn, author and executive director of Forward Movement.

During April, a new practice has emerged as an experiment. A Zoom link is sent to the whole group early on Monday through Thursday so that any who are able on a particular day may check in and pray together as the work day begins. Later in May, the College will celebrate the end of the program year in person at an outdoor lunch.

The College of Clergy is one way that Saint Philip’s supports clergy in the self-care that is essential for effective lifelong ministries.