Listening ministry

Stephen Ministry is a well-established Christian listening ministry that has trained thousands of lay people to meet with individuals confidentially, and to really listen to them. More than 10,000 churches—from over 100 denominations (including Episcopal parishes)—have gotten involved, including Saint Philip's about 25 years ago.

The ministry teaches volunteers how to support people going through serious life crises, such as the death of a spouse or child, grave illness, loss of a job, or other such challenges. The training provides opportunities to practice particular skills. Upon completion of instruction, volunteers are commissioned and can begin serving.

Support is provided with complete confidentiality, and the ministers meet regularly to support one another. The program teaches that Christ—who as we know is present when two or more are gathered in his name—provides the healing. It really can and does work miracles.

If you are interested, please talk to Fr Peter, Dcn Tom Lindell, or Bill Symonds, who recently moved to Tucson and has been involved with Stephen Ministry for many years.

Fr Peter’s email is
Dcn Tom’s email is
Bill’s email is