COVID-19 update

Having considered recommendations from the Health Cabinet and Regathering Committee, Saint Philip’s Vestry has voted for a policy which relaxes COVID-19 protocols in stages. Variants and local conditions will continue to be monitored so adjustments can be made as circumstances require.

This Sunday, April 3, Saint Philip’s will implement new COVID-19 protocols:

  • At the 7:45am and 11:15am services, masks will be optional.

  • Masks will continue to be required at the 9:00am service.
    The east transept will be a designated space for worshiping that maintains low tolerance for COVID-19 exposure/transmission in order to protect those with significant risk factors for serious disease.

  • Coffee hour will be held in the outside courtyard with sweet treats.

For all Sunday services:

  • There will be no need to sign-in.

  • There will be no limit on the number of worshipers.

  • The transepts will serve as areas that allow for greater social distancing than in the nave.

  • The collection plate will be passed.

  • Communion protocols will remain the same (wine by intinction only).