Homemade fudge

Saint Philip's youth will sell homemade fudge from 10:15am-11:15am this Sunday, November 20. You can look for the table in the Fish Pond Garden. And if you miss your chance on Sunday morning, you’ll have another opportunity at 5:00pm after Choral Evensong (also on Sunday, November 20.)

Classic and fall flavors will be available: chocolate, chocolate/pumpkin swirl, and pumpkin. Homemade fudge is a great gift or a tasty addition to your Thanksgiving celebrations.

The price is a bargain: each 8 ounce bar is only $10.00.

All proceeds will go toward the joint UK Residency/Youth Pilgrimage to England in July 2024. They will have the opportunity to experience thousands of years of historic Christianity, and participate in worship and pilgrimage today.

Thank you in advance to everyone who contributes to making this experience possible!