Dispatch from the floor

The Diocese of Arizona held its 63rd annual convention on Saturday, October 21 at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church, Scottsdale, AZ. Next year’s convention will be hosted by Saint Philip’s in the Hills on Saturday, October 19.

Comments from the parishioners who represented Saint Philip’s are below.

Matti Bowen
My time at Saint Philip’s has brought me many opportunities to serve our parish and wider church community, but serving as one of the delegates to this year’s Diocesan Convention was a particular privilege. Again and again I was reminded that we are part of a thriving, diverse community of congregations that reach inward to foster spiritual community but also reach out to the neighbors beyond our sanctuary walls. There was something particularly special about being together in person as lay leaders and clergy from all over the state—from churches large and small, urban and rural, long established and mission, worshiping in many languages.

The last several years have made time (and time together) feel like more of a gift than ever, and I find myself thinking of Psalm 118 frequently: “This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.” I certainly felt that way on Convention day, and couldn’t help but paraphrase a bit for the occasion: “This is the Church that we have made, rejoice and be glad!”

John Bremond* is Saint Philip’s Senior Warden.
I have attended numerous Diocesan Conventions in my years at Saint Philip’s. I found this year’s to be unique and interesting in several ways.

My first question came from reading the format—online workshops and voting on three occasions prior to the in-person gathering on Saturday, October 21? Though unusual, I found the format to work quite well. The online voting went seamlessly with only a few glitches. I will add I was very pleased that our Mtr Taylor Devine was elected to the Standing Committee.

The in-person gathering at St Barnabas in Scottsdale was very well organized and well executed. The theme of the convention (Go, Gather, Grow, Give) was central to all that occurred. I particularly enjoyed the keynote speaker’s talk, the workshop I attended on building culture, and my luncheon with the other Senior Wardens.

It was a great model for Saint Philip’s to follow next year.

David Hass
We approved a resolution permitting inflation increases in the amount a Mission Congregation can spend on repairs and building and grounds maintenance without requiring Standing Committee approval. In addition we approved the financial proposal for the 2024 Proposed Mission plan of the Bishop in the amount of $3,915,552.00.

Highlights of the convention for me were the Bishop’s address in which she summarized the accomplishments of the past year and provided a charge and inspiration for the coming year. The keynote address by The Rev’d Deborah K. Hutterer, Bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, was outstanding. She focused on implementation of Bishop Reddell’s theme for the convention—“GO to GATHER, GROW AND GIVE.” She emphasized the cooperative efforts of Lutherans and Episcopalians.

Delegates had the opportunity to select from six workshops for attendance. The convention closed with an inspiring Holy Eucharist service in the sanctuary with an effective combination of English and Hispanic components.

Jordan Paul
My first diocesan convention was a great experience! Although voting on the various committee positions and resolutions was done remotely, I was also able to attend the in-person session in Phoenix. I got to meet other people and learn about their work in the diocese, attend an anti-racism training, and attend a bilingual mass. I'm excited for Saint Philips to host next year's convention!

Bill Symonds
It was an honor to represent Saint Philip’s at this year’s Diocesan Convention. I was greatly moved by the opportunity to gather together with lay and clergy delegates from every parish in Arizona. And I was inspired by our mission of “Go, Gather, Grow and Give.” But I was saddened by the budget report, which focused on how the diocese is cutting expenses during a time of declining attendance. I feel the diocese missed an opportunity to engage delegates in a dialogue on how we can grow the Episcopal Church in Arizona. I have suggested to the Bishop that next year’s Convention should provide a meaningful opportunity for all of us to brainstorm on how we can work to better achieve this mission. After all, Convention brings together some of the most committed Episcopalians in our state. Let’s harness their wisdom and energy!

Bonnie Winn* is Saint Philip’s Junior Warden
When we arrived at the Saint Barnabas Church sanctuary, I guessed there were four hundred people there. When our excellent keynote speaker asked us to turn to our neighbor, I was surprised to discover I was seated next to Canon Frank Clark, Saint Philip’s Interim Rector 2015-2016. We caught up and managed to discuss the assigned topic. After the morning workshop—I attended one on Planned Giving—David Hass and I met two other delegates who joined us for lunch. As we talked with two strangers who soon became friends, I learned that both men had been to Lincoln Cathedral and were excited to tell me about the town, the steep climb up to the cathedral, and the lovely pub that is only a twenty minute walk along the river. It was an edifying and socially stimulating day which concluded with a lovely eucharist service. Saint Philip’s is on deck to host the convention in 2024. The challenge is great and the reward mighty.