
EDITOR’S NOTE: On Sunday, January 29, 2023, Bishop Jennifer A Reddall will visit Saint Philip’s and confirm nine of the parish’s youth. Over the course of the next few weeks, each of the youth will be interviewed and their conversations shared with the parish.

As confirmation symbolizes a mature affirmation of faith, it is fitting that parish members know who these young people are—especially as one of the community’s roles is to welcome and uphold those who will be confirmed.*

This week’s interview is with Cecilia (16).


You’ll be confirmed on January 29. What does that mean for you?
Being confirmed will allow me to reaffirm my baptism with my own voice. This is who I am and who I want to be. This is a part of me that cannot, will not, be changed. I am a Christian.

What are your formation classes like?
They’re a nice chance to get together and discuss some of the big ideas in theology, and even have some hard conversations about scripture. For instance, we recently looked at Psalm 23 and re-wrote it in our own words. It was an intriguing opportunity to really dig down and determine what each line meant, and what it meant to me specifically.

What are some things you like about Saint Philip’s?
It’s a big place with so many possibilities. Music has always been a huge part of my life, and Saint Philip’s has a great organist, large choir, and even (on occasion) instrumentalists that allow for bigger and more elaborate works. In particular, the two choral residencies I’ve been lucky enough to participate in were staggering experiences that were neither more nor less than life-changing.

Say more about that.
Have you ever been in a building hundreds to thousands of years old? The cathedrals of England are ancient, vast, awe-inspiring spaces that were built to be sung in. As an American normally deprived of such heritage and opportunity, to be able to sing music that was written to be sung in these huge, echoing, glorious spaces—it’s a truly profound experience. 

What do you like to do when not in school or at Saint Philip’s?
One of my greatest passions is writing—short stories and a bit of poetry. I also love to read fantasy and science fiction. J.R.R. Tolkein is my favorite author. I’m also a zealous environmentalist and animal-lover.

What about fantasy draws you in?
The written word is a truly magical thing. Literally anything that comes out of your head—anything at all, no matter how wild or bizarre—can be put on the page. What’s more, a good author can tell a story that makes your blood boil, your skin crawl, your heart break—or heal and beat again. The interwoven themes of change and loss and love, of what you can gain and what it may cost you, these are the real tools of the author’s trade. I aspire to one day write a novel of my own, and maybe even move someone else.

* Click here to read the September 30 article that explained the sacrament of Confirmation.