Nathaniel & Colin


Left to right: Colin, Fr Robert Hendrickson, and Nathaniel


EDITOR’S NOTE: On Sunday, January 29, 2023, Bishop Jennifer A Reddall will visit Saint Philip’s and confirm nine of the parish’s youth. Over the course of the next few weeks, each of the youth will be interviewed and their conversations shared with the parish.

As confirmation symbolizes a mature affirmation of faith, it is fitting that parish members know who these young people are—especially as one of the community’s roles is to welcome and uphold those who will be confirmed.*

This week’s interview is with Nathaniel (age 15) and his brother, Colin (age 14).

You’ve been preparing for Confirmation since last year. What does it mean to you?
Nathaniel: It’s another step in my journey. It would bother me not to be confirmed.

How are you involved at Saint Philip’s?
Nathaniel: We attend youth group. I like it because we all know each other and are friends.
Colin: Today we talked about the Ten Commandments and how they come up every day. We also sing in the choir and have been on two choir residencies.

What did you especially like about your time in England?
Colin: The field trips! We visited Stonehenge, Bath, and Bristol.
Nathaniel: Don’t forget Glastonbury. That was really cool.

What activities do you enjoy outside of Saint Philip’s?
Nathaniel: I play on a traveling ice-hockey team, practice violin (which I’ve played for 8 years), and read. Right now I’m reading The Death of Ivan Ilyich. I play violin with the Tucson Philharmonia Youth Orchestra and the orchestra at University High School.

Colin: I’ve played the cello for 4 and 1/2 years and the piano for 10 years. I play cello with Junior Strings and in a cello ensemble. I like to read non-fiction right now. My cello teacher gave me Bach Cello Suites which was interesting.

* Click here to read the September 30 article that explained the sacrament of Confirmation.