Vestry update

The Vestry is a group of elected volunteers that serves as the parish’s functional Board of Directors. Vestry members, who serve in three groups for three-year terms, provide leadership and oversight of the mission and ministry of the congregation, and manage the church buildings and property, finances, and personnel. Photos of current Vestry members can be found on Saint Philip’s website by clicking here.

Saint Philip’s Vestry gathers for a hybrid meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Below are highlights from the meeting (prepared by Barbara Cone and Bonnie Winn) that took place on Wednesday, January 18.

Present: Michael Anderson, John Bremond, Herb Burton, Barbara Cone, David Hass, Erika Johnson, Meredith Mullins, Roger Rainbolt, Tamzin Sugiyama, Bonnie Winn, Liz Wood, Fr Robert Hendrickson, and Mtr Mary Trainor

Guest: Angelina Hannum and Dcn Susan Erickson

The Vestry received reports from the Music, Children’s Youth and Family Ministry (CYFM), and Outreach Commissions. Highlights were:

1) a new Mass setting, commissioned by Saint Philip’s and composed by acclaimed composer Eriks Esenvalds, will be presented in May.

2) CYFM reported good attendance at the Celebrating Advent, Epiphany and Saint Nicholas Day events. A combined youth pilgrimage/UK Residency to England is being planned for 2024.

3) The Outreach Commission is defining, documenting, and classifying all of the outreach activities that are undertaken by Saint Philip’s.

The Nominating Committee presented a report for the next class of vestry persons. These nominees will be presented at the Annual Meeting.

The Senior Warden’s report (John Bremond) focused on the Strategic Planning Goals and how Vestry members will help move those goals forward. Interviews for a part-time facilities director (who will report to Mtr Mary Trainor) will take place next month. Also, bids are being solicited for a formal reserve study. 

The Rector’s Report (Fr Robert Hendrickson) included envisioning some partnerships with other community groups to expand the outreach and evangelism of Saint Philip’s, while focusing on the parish’s particular strengths as a community. The parish’s largest class in 25 years will be confirmed on Sunday, January 29, by Bishop Reddall.

The Stewardship Report (Bonnie Winn) reflected that pledges and regular giving are close to what they were last year.

The Treasurer’s Report (Herb Burton) showed that the 2022 year-end deficit was less than had been projected earlier in the year. The deficit of 2022 was due to several expenditures needed to recover from the COVID pandemic. It is anticipated that the budget will break even (no deficit) in 2023.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Winn
Junior Warden