A purse for Anthea

Anthea McCarty, Saint Philip’s bookkeeper, will be leaving later this month. Her last day will be Monday, January 24. She will be missed by all.

As is the custom, we have set up a “purse” fund as a gift to Anthea for her good work and the good cheer she brought to all. You may send a check to the office, care of Mtr Mary, with “Anthea purse” in the memo line. Or contribute online with this link; use the Operating 2022 dropdown menu to select “Purse-McCarty.”

Anthea was hired by Saint Philip’s as a temporary employee in February 2018 and became the parish’s bookkeeper in May that same year.

Born and educated in Australia, Anthea move to the United States in 1983, settling in Tucson a year later. She and husband Ron have a home in Patagonia, about a two-hour drive from Tucson. Anthea is looking forward to avoiding that commute for a while as she relaxes a bit before deciding what is next.

Asked what she will miss most about Saint Philip’s, Anthea said, “The people. I have made some wonderful friends here, both staff and parishioners. I will miss them all so much.”