From the Rector

Dear Friends in Christ,

On Wednesday, after a conversation with newcomers, I handed out a piece on some concrete ways that people live and work as members of a church community. Our sense of community these days is so often shaped by notions of what we get, as individuals, from being in it. The number of folks here who serve in so many ways shows a deeper way of being in community—by sharing of the gifts we have to build up our common life in Christ.

There’s the wonderful phrase in Scripture in which we are called to “provoke one  another to good works.” The Greek is, indeed, about provocation. We are to stir, encourage, and prod (maybe even annoy!) one another in our Christian journey.

As I put the list together, I found myself asking about the ways I am or am not living into each of these duties of membership in community and in the Body of Christ. As I mentioned in my last sermon, I think the Christian life is one of letting Christ challenge us—provoke us—to an honesty about where we are in relationship to the model he sets for us.

Here’s the list. It might make for good prayer, reflection, and contemplation in the weeks ahead. I know it will for me!

Ten ways we live as members of the Body of Christ:

1. To follow the example of Christ in home and daily life, and to bear witness to him.

2. To be regular in private prayer day by day.

3. To read the Bible carefully, regularly, and prayerfully.

4. To come to church each Sunday that you are able and to attend a local church when you are out of town.

5. To receive Communion regularly.

6. To offer regular service to Church, community, and our neighbors and to encourage others to serve.

7. To give money for the work of the parish and the diocese and to support the work of the Church that is in addition to other charitable giving.

8. To see that children are brought up to know Christ and make Christ known and to be an active participant in helping the children of the parish grow in faith.

9. To refrain from gossip and to bring concerns, disputes, and challenges directly to those who can make change.

10. To welcome people into life in Christ at Saint Philip’s when such opportunities arise.

May this week be a blessed one for each of you. Thank you for being part of life here, for provoking one another to good works, and for lending me your faith, hope, and joy so often!

Yours in Christ,
Fr Robert