Liturgical Music Guide

Through the help of Friends of Music and wonderful design work by Jeanine Colini, we have produced and mailed the 2021-2022 Saint Philip’s Liturgical Music Guide! I would like to thank Jeanine Colini, Beth Lee, and Jeffrey Campbell for their assistance in producing this lovely publication.

This booklet functions very much like previous versions published by the Friends of Music, but it focuses largely on First Sunday Music, monthly choral Evensongs, and our end of the year choral concert, with music by Arvo Pärt. This corresponds to a larger decision, as Fr. Robert discussed last week, to reduce the number of concerts offered during the coming year as the music staff and Friends of Music reevaluate our system for planning and producing concerts with volunteer support.

If you have not received the Liturgical Music Guide in the mail, there will be opportunity to pick up a copy in the church, the main office, or in the Music Center in future weeks.

It may go without saying, but this Guide shows our starting point for liturgical music planning this year. We are all accustomed to a rapidly changing environment due to Covid, so it is possible—even likely—that details in this Guide will change. This being the case, we encourage you to keep an eye here on the Bell & Tower for schedule updates. You can easily scan for changes by visiting the ‘News’ link on our website:

The Liturgical Music Guide also includes an envelope with prompts to help you make a donation to First Sunday Music or the UK Choral Residency, if you feel led to do so. We humbly ask you to consider that both of our major music programs are supported largely through donations from parishioners. Please help us continue to provide music in our services, and to support the musical and spiritual formation of our youths. Thank you!

I must say, it’s very satisfying to hold this book in your hands and to hope for a renewal of full-orbed music in our services this year. This hope is so important!

Dr Justin Appel, Director of Music