Meet Claire, new Beloved

Learn more about future Beloved Claire! Please hold her in prayer as she ventures forth to Tucson! For more information on Beloved in the Desert, click here.

Claire (She/Her/Hers)

Hi, I’m Claire. I was born in China and adopted by a white American family when I was 2. I consider myself to be a Chinese adoptee and/or transracial/transnational adoptee. I am proud of my identity and have formed close bonds with other Asian adoptees. I grew up in Bucyrus, Ohio, which is a small rural, predominantly white town. My family farms corn, wheat, and soybeans. I was not very active on the farm growing up but have been learning more about it with being home for the past year. I have 3 older siblings with whom I am very close.

From 2016-2020, I attended the College of Wooster. My major was in Political Science while my minor was in Chinese. I am interested in working for a non-profit or governmental organization doing advocacy and public policy work. In college I developed a passion for learning languages and would like to learn as many languages as I can. For now, I want to continue working on Mandarin and I have started re-learning Spanish having studied some of it in High School.

For hobbies, I like to journal and write poetry. I also like to swim, ride my bike, hike, and dance. I’ve been cooking and baking more during the pandemic, and I have come to really enjoy those activities as well. For this service year I am looking forward to being in a new environment and meeting new people. I have really missed being in community since the pandemic started. I’m looking forward to all the new things I will discover about the world and myself and hope to grow in every aspect of my life (spiritually, professionally, mentally, etc.). I can’t wait to see what this year has in store and to meet all of you!

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