What to know...

We are all pleased to emerge from the restrictions of COVID-19 and resume more traditional in-person worship. As Fr Robert mentions in his article, some hiccups and speed bumps are inevitable as we transition.

Here are a few details to keep in mind about safety protocols for Sunday morning worship indoors:

Registration & Attendance

There are two ways to register for Sunday services, either online at Saint Philip’s homepage (www.stphilipstucson.org/registration) or in-person at the door. We recommend online, as attendance will be capped.

In order to attend, you must closely read and abide by the Covenant of Care. Our desire is to care for one another, and we are grateful for this shared commitment. Thank you!

Arrival & Check-In

It will be helpful to arrive 15 to 20 minutes early. This will give ample time to check in, find seats, and find moments for stillness and prayer before service begins. 

When you arrive Greeters will be stationed at a single location in front of the church’s Great Doors.

Single-use bulletins will be available when you check-in, as well as extra masks (should you forget your own) and bottled water.

Seating & Fellowship

After checking in, Ushers will direct you to enter the church by way of the Great Doors.

Once inside, please follow Ushers’ instructions, and use the center and side aisles to find available pews, starting at the front of the sanctuary and moving towards the back. Only one person or family unit is permitted per pew. Only every other pew will be available for seating. 

As we gather indoors for worship, it is important that we faithfully maintain social distance. As difficult as it may be, no direct physical contact is to be made at any point before, during, and after services. 

The Offertory, Holy Communion, & Dismissal

Alms will not be collected during the service at the Offertory. Instead, a collection basket will be available at the entrance of the church before and after the service. 

Holy Communion will be offered in one kind (the consecrated Bread only), and Ushers will come forward and direct those who wish to receive Communion to approach the altar rail pew by pew. Further details and instructions will be given at the service. 

After the Dismissal, Ushers will direct the congregation to exit the church through the Great Doors, pew by pew from the back of the church to the front. We ask that you take your bulletins with you.


For those who may wish to attend Sunday worship online rather than in-person, we will live-stream the 10:00am mass to both Saint Philip’s YouTube channel and homepage (www.stphilipstucson.org). Links may be found in this edition of Bell & Tower.


Restrooms are located in the hallway north of the Murphy Gallery, across the Fishpond Garden and up the walkway from the church. There is a diaper changing table in the gender-neutral ADA-compliant restroom there.