UBE seeks members

The Diocese of Arizona has requested that the letter drafted by the Arizona chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians be distributed to our wider community.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

We are writing to ask if you could spread the word about the Arizona Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians. We are an organization promoting greater unity within the Episcopal Church by: 

• Advocating the greater inclusion of Episcopalians of African descent in the Church: 

• Fostering vocations among Black Episcopalians to Holy Orders, to the religious life, and to many other ministries in the Church. 

• Engaging Black Episcopalians to greater involvement in parish and diocesan ministries here in Arizona. 

• Answering Our Lord’s call that we all may be one by combatting racism, prejudice, hostility, marginalization, and any other problem that separates brothers and sisters in Christ, and 

• Bringing the riches of yet another Christian and Episcopalian cultural tradition into the mainstream of the Church. 

We would we like you to: 

• Let your African American parishioners know we exist by announcing us in your bulletin, e-bulletin, and at your announcements during the service in-person and online. 

• Provide us the opportunity to reach out to willing parishioners to introduce ourselves, our group, and our mission. 

• Direct your parishioners to check us out at our website and reach out to us via email.

We offer as part of our mandate: 

• In-person and online workshops on how to get involved at the Diocesan, National, Anglican Communion, and Ecumenical levels. 

• Opportunities to work effectively with anti-racism and pro-equality organizations. 

• Corporate worship opportunities, such as the Feast of Absalom Jones, and advisement on how to be more inclusive in worship. 

Your Fellow Servants in Christ, 

The Arizona Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians