Comfy Space worship

Comfy Space is celebrated at 9:00am every second Sunday of the month.

Our next Comfy Space celebration will be at 9:00am on Sunday, February 14. Developed for our children and families, the liturgy unfolds in a relaxed environment and includes elements drawn from Common Worship, Enriching Our Worship, and other sources, all while being easily recognizable as a Prayerbook liturgy, structured by- and conforming to our Book of Common Prayer. It’s also a Eucharistic service in which we’re invited to make a spiritual communion to participate in the reality of Christ’s Body and Blood.

To attend Comfy Space, write to Fr Mark ( for directions to the Zoom Chapel. We hope you’ll join us at 9:00am on February 14 when we touch on the Mystery of the Transfiguration and prepare ourselves for Lent.