God is in the wilderness

What does it mean to take a Lenten retreat when pandemic has already forced us into more isolation than we probably want? What might it mean to journey into the wilderness if we feel we’re already there? As we approach one year of living with COVID-19 and our second pandemic-limiting season of Lent, how can we take on a Lenten discipline when we feel we’ve already given up so much?

In light of these and other questions, Saint Philip’s is offering an Online Lenten Retreat Day: Seeking God in the Wilderness from 10:00am to 2:30pm Saturday, February 20. A lunch break will be provided.

In this live interactive online retreat day, we will ponder the balance that Jesus sought to maintain in his own life between a busy ministry in community and moments of solitude—and connect that pattern with our own lives today. Rather than giving up something for Lent, we will explore the idea of taking on a Lenten spiritual devotional practice to help us connect more deeply with God in this pandemic wilderness. We will experience four different spiritual practices together, then close our day with sharing and discussion about our experiences and consider which practice we might take with us on the rest of our Lenten journey.

This retreat is free to everyone. It will also be best experienced if you collect a few materials ahead of time. You will want to have on hand a favorite journal and pen or other writing materials (or your computer, if you prefer to type!). Blank paper and simple art supplies such as colored pencils, crayons, or chalk (or even a nice sharp pencil) will also be helpful for one exercise. Finally, have a smart phone or other camera available to you if possible.

Retreat Leader: Shirin McArthur is a spiritual guide, retreat leader, writer, and editor who ponders the sacred through prayer, poetry, dance, photography, nature, and contemplation. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Boston University School of Theology and a Certificate in Spiritual Guidance from the Shalem Institute in Washington, DC. Shirin has been leading retreats for almost 30 years and her award-winning Prayerful Pondering blog is part of the Christian Century network. Raised in New Mexico, she lives in Arizona and is a member at Saint Philip’s in the Hills, where her husband, the Rev’d Henry Hoffman, is retired affiliate clergy. You can learn more about Shirin on her website.

To Register: click this link. If you have questions, please email Shirin at shirin@shirinmcarthur.com.