Kitchen on a mission

The Feeding Ministries Working Group is thinking not only about the coming monthly First Sunday drives. It has also been discussing how Saint Philip’s might help feed our neighbors in the long term. Some conversations last year with the YWCA of Southern Arizona inspired the group members to envision how we could better utilize our kitchen, not only to serve the parish, but also to serve others.

Last August we received a partner grant from the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona to help us upgrade the kitchen to become commercially certified. Our initial partner will be the YWCA’s Women’s Business Center, which has been in search of an incubator kitchen to help further culinary micro-enterprises run by women, as well as to train aspiring food entrepreneurs.

A commercially certified kitchen will also enable us to prepare food for people outside the parish community — and to better feed the parish, as well!

Join us at 11:15am this Sunday, February 14, to hear more about this project.