Refugee family update

Saint Philip’s Rector emailed the congregation yesterday to provide an update about the refugee family assigned to the parish.

Dear Friends in Christ,

First, I want to thank so many of you who have shown such energy and generosity around supporting Afghan refugees. That generosity is a testament to the spirit that makes Saint Philip’s such a wonderful community to serve.

Have you ever noticed how God has a way of surprising us? 

Saint Philip’s has learned from Lutheran Social Services that the family it has paired with the parish will arrive in Tucson on Friday afternoon and…surprise…they are not from Afghanistan. Rather, they are from Syria. 

We do not yet have the details on this family’s story but LSS assures us that this family is the agency’s greatest need at the moment.

So Saint Philip’s is being asked to support a family coming from different circumstances than originally expected. I suppose the question for us is simple: does this matter? 

They are still our neighbors in God’s eyes. They are still very much in need and we have been sent to serve. They are refugees like Jesus and his family were when they fled to Egypt, dependent on the kindness of strangers.

At the same time, I very much realize that some of you who have donated may have done so because you feel a particular affinity for Afghanistan, perhaps having lived or served there or know someone who has. 

Therefore, I want to ask: if you are someone who has given or volunteered in some way with this work, are you comfortable with this change in direction? If you would prefer that we return your donation or hold it until a specifically Afghan family can be located, we will certainly adhere to your wishes. 

I never want you to feel that your generosity is being used in a way other than what was presented. So if you would like to change the use of your gift, please contact me or Mtr Mary (at

Saint Philip’s Refugee Ministry team is working full speed ahead to welcome this new family that God has sent here. This is not the plan we had originally—but God rarely seems to stick to our plans!

Thank you again for your generosity and loving spirit in this holy season.

Yours in Christ,

—Fr Robert